Thursday, April 29, 2010

The time Traveler's wife

This movie was okay it wasn't the greatest but it wasn't the worst I've seen either.  It had Eric Bana which I wouldn't have picked because his acting wasn't very good and Rachael Mcadams who was okay but they did lack chemistry.  This movie was about a Time traveler who meets his future wife when she is ten and he's a lot older than her. It was hard to follow and I was expecting it to be better how I don't know but just better.  This movie managed to only get ***stars out of me.  I am glad that I didn't go to the moives and spend my money on it but at least I saw it thanks to Netflix and it didn't even skip like the other two movies I saw did.  Overall if you like romantic and sentimental flicks then by all means and see it but for me I am glad that this was my once and only time seeing it.

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